Top Supporter
Shortfuse707, contributed the most this month.
Community Goal
Upon reaching the Community Goal, all players currently online will be rewarded with:
5 Random Keys
3 Plushies Keys
1 Random Megastone
500 Pokebuilder Tokens
81% Completed
Recent Supporters

Welcome to the CobbleLand!
Every bit of your contribution is much appreciated and is used to make the server more enjoyable for every player. Explore our selection of personalized in-game content designed to enhance your gameplay. Every purchase you make contributes to the continuous development of our server, ranging from custom plugins to custom builds!
Terms of Service
All sales made on our store, are considered final, and no refunds will be provided under any circumstances. Engaging in payment disputes or chargebacks will result in an immediate ban from our Minecraft server, and Tebex services. Please note that prices and products may be subject to change at any time, including the addition or removal of Ranks, Crate Keys, or Reward Contents. Kindly review our terms, as purchasing our virtual products implies automatic agreement to the terms
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to create a post on our discord support channel. For more immediate help contact the owner via email at or on discord at: iMystxc